Thursday 27 May 2010

Super man to the rescue

Ok, confession time. It wasn't a problem with the alternator, it was a problem with the batteries, well more specifically the type of batteries.

I take to electrics the way a elephant takes to ballet, so when we needed to replace our batteries and add a second one I went for the "best", gel, thinking they would last the longest and be the best for Pixie. Unfortunately gel batteries are new technology, our engine and more importantly our alternator are old technology. The two don't mix. The new batteries want to be charged in a way the old alterator can't. Well it could but it will cost time and money to get it sorted

Of course I didn't know this at the time, I only know this now thanks to Kevin Green of Marine Electrical Services. We arrived yesterday and a few hours later Kevin was on the boat diagnosing the problem. He soon taught me the error of my ways and explained where I had gone wrong. The system was working as it should, but the batteries weren't absorbing the little charge the alternator was throwing out. By 3 o'clock today Kevin had bought down the new (old technology lead acid) batteries were installed and tested them. Not only that, but out reliable big red Bukh engine (that can be relied to spit oil everywhere) might not be leaking oil any more.

I spoke to Bukh Uk this morning and explained where the oil was coming from, they said "the copper washer should stop that"..."er what copper washer?" I replied. So our oil leak could be solved by a washer costing pennies. I spoke Kevin to see what time he was coming down and explained we were off to hunt for a copper washer. We'd tried a couple of places but had no luck. "I'll see what I can pick up on the way" was his reply.

What might seem like two very small jobs to Kevin have just transformed our trip. We no longer have to worry about battery charging, or oil consumption. Now all we have to worry about is the weather!!!

Thank you Kevin, you're a legend


1 comment:

  1. ah batteries. We bought expensive batteries and had constant trouble We too reverted to cheap batteries and and a diode.... and he presto lots of battery power!
