Thursday 13 May 2010

The packing has started!

Last night we started packing, I say "we" but Kirsty has started packing and I was helping, or actually packing whatever Kirsty handed me. We decided to pack 14 days worth of clothes, again when I say "we" this time I mean I as Kirsty seems to have three tops for every day "Some are short sleeved tops, others have longer sleeves, and I don't know what the weather will be like" was the reply to my enquiry into the quantity of clothes being handed my way, but they have fitted into the alocated space, so it's not a problem.

On shorter trips, I never seem to wear all the clothes I pack, this time I'm hoping I will, once I've packed them of course!

We also sorted out all the charts into areas. No mean feat when we have paper charts to cover our entire journey up to Scotland. Piles of charts lead from the dining room, into the lounge and back again. While the cats were in their element, with more paper than a Christmas day to play with, we had to made sure they didn't take their claws to our pathfinding paper. We've borrowed a thick stack of charts from Sam and Mags who keep their yacht Ituna opposite from Pixie. Sam wrote a great book about circumnavigating the UK and Ireland, which has helped in the planning process greatly and their kind loan has saved us loads.

We had already spent a small fortune on charts, and as well as the paper charts we also have the latest electronic charts covering the UK and Ireland from Garmin to go with our chart plotter. I must say the electronic charts are a lot easier to sort out and store. Rather than spreading them over two rooms of the house, all the chart for the UK and Ireland fit on one micro SD card, the size of my little finger nail.

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